Need to boost your knowledge on the Cloud Computing sector? Then check out this webinar!
On 20 July 2022, we helped to organise and participate in a webinar called the ‘Cloud Computing (CC) Skill Development in Europe Webinar‘. This online event was part of a series co-organised by our project partner Mobile World Capital and HUB4CLOUD.
The COVID-19 crisis highlighted how digitalisation is crucial to ensure our society and economy can still function also in extreme emergency cases and how cloud technologies play an essential role to ensure private and public service resiliency. A major obstacle to overcome though is the capability for organisations and citizens to quickly take up on those digital skills that are needed to understand, adopt and use such technologies. The role European Cloud Computing projects and the outcomes they generate can play in skills development/upskilling and education, especially when it comes to advanced cloud technologies, is fundamental for the future of Europe and for the realisation of its data and industrial strategy.
In this webinar we explored questions about Cloud Computing skills assessment and the role of these initiatives in identifying and bridging the gaps.
The presenters shared very interesting data concerning cloud computing skills level in Europe and the training opportunities. One piece of data shared from Barcelona Digital Talent was that in the past decade jobs requiring digital skills have increased by 41% in Europe. Some digital topics are more popular than others, allowing us to see how many professionals are available for each job offer on average; for instance, the number of cloud computing professionals available for job offers in 2020 was about 10 professionals, and in 2021, less than 8.
You can watch the webinar here, to learn more!