From September 19th to 22nd, Better Factory is excited to be a part of GLUE Amsterdam Connected by Design, a four-day event celebrating innovation, creativity, and design in the heart of Amsterdam. This exciting design route connects designers, architects, brands, labels, showrooms, and galleries with a diverse audience. It is a unique platform that bridges the gap between emerging talent, renowned designers, and key stakeholders in the creative sector.
Behind the Design: Reimagining the Future of Production
Better Factory is proud to be showcased in the exhibition “Behind the Design”, which challenges us to rethink our consumption-driven society. In a world where buying new is often easier than repairing, this exhibition calls attention to the environmental toll and asks a pressing question: can we design differently?

Eleven visionary designers have been selected by our partner WAAG FutureLab to showcase their work, each one shining a light on a different part of the design and production chain. Of these eleven artists, eight hail from the Better Factory project, constituting about three quarters of the exhibition participants.
The eight artists exhibiting from Better Factory’s KTE (Knowledge Transfer Experiment) teams are:
- Sebastien Wierinck (KTE team MICOCRAFT)
- Nicola Elis (KTE team MiniRoboFab)
- Nick Ervink (KTE team 3DARTDESIGN)
- Govert Flint (KTE team OCCE)
- David Rickard (KTE team SMARTENVELOPE)
- Anka Walicka (KTE team SHOES IN CIRCLE)
- Anna Dumitriu (KTE team IOWA)
- Kristina Pulejkova (KTE team SMARTVIEW)
These artists, in collaboration with SMEs and technology providers, have harnessed the power of art to address industrial challenges and bring new creative insights into the production process. The designs on display are a testament to the transformative potential of art in reshaping industries and fostering sustainability.

Better Factory Booth: Creativity Meets Industry
Visitors to the event can explore Better Factory by:
- Discovering the final SME+Artist booklet: Titled “Creativity Meets Industry: A Practical Guide to Transformative Partnerships”, this guide distills four years of collaboration between artists, manufacturers, and technology providers. It offers a practical roadmap for SMEs looking to leverage art-driven innovation in solving industrial challenges.
- Exploring the work of 8 artists from the Better Factory project: Gain deeper insights into the unique projects spearheaded by these artists and how they’ve influenced industrial processes across Europe.
- Joining the panel discussion: Discuss the potential of creative collaboration in solving today’s manufacturing challenges and designing a more sustainable future.
- Watching the final video documentary: Better Factory’s journey over the last four years has been captured in an engaging documentary that highlights the impact of art on industry. Attendees can view the film, providing a closer look at the challenges, solutions, and partnerships that have defined the project.
A Vision for the Future of Manufacturing
Better Factory’s participation at GLUE Amsterdam reflects our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible when creativity meets industry. We believe that by integrating the perspectives of artists, manufacturers can not only solve today’s challenges but also pioneer new, more sustainable production methods. Our work, showcased at this event, underscores the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration in driving meaningful change.
Join us at GLUE Amsterdam from September 19th to 22nd to experience firsthand how art and industry are coming together to build a better, more sustainable future. Will we see you there?