Showcasing Innovative Art and Knowledge Transfer Experiments

We are thrilled to invite you to the Better Factory Final Event on September 25, 2024, where we will showcase the groundbreaking results of this European Union-funded project. Over the past few years, Better Factory has empowered manufacturing SMEs across Europe to enhance their competitiveness by integrating artistic creativity into industrial innovation. This event will highlight the Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTEs), which have driven these collaborations between SMEs, artists, and technology providers to create revolutionary new approaches to product development and manufacturing processes.

KTE team Shoes in Circle – SME Tapi-1’s factory

Event Details

  • Date: September 25, 2024
  • Location: Online for external participants, in-person for project partners in Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Time: The event begins at 10:00 CEST (online platform opens at 9:45)
  • Registration Deadline: Please register by September 19, 2024
KTE team ‘REFINE’- artist Javier Masa’s work

What to Expect

The day will kick off with a comprehensive presentation of the Better Factory project, covering its objectives, the collaboration process, and key lessons learned. We’ll dive into the Better Factory Method for Creative Innovation, followed by a detailed introduction to the RAMP marketplace and IoT platform, showcasing the practical digital tools and apps developed during the project.

The spotlight will then turn to the results of the Knowledge Transfer Experiments, where you’ll see how art has played a crucial role in shaping both the technical and artistic outcomes. This is an opportunity to witness firsthand how the collaboration between artists and manufacturers has sparked innovative solutions that could reshape industrial production.

After a break from 12:00 to 13:00, during which participants will be able to explore the project results online, the event will conclude with a roundtable discussion featuring key stakeholders and policymakers. This session will explore future opportunities for building on Better Factory’s success and expanding the impact of art-driven innovation in the industrial sector.

Why Attend?

Better Factory has successfully tested 35 experiments, resulting in 12 digital tools and an advanced IoT platform, all designed to foster innovation within the manufacturing sector. By blending art with industrial processes, the project has demonstrated the transformative potential of creativity in driving technological and product advancements.

This event is your chance to engage with the innovators behind Better Factory, learn about the project’s cutting-edge results, and gain insights into future collaboration opportunities. Whether you’re from the world of manufacturing, technology, or the arts, this event will offer valuable takeaways on how to integrate creativity into industrial innovation.

Team STARIOT – Photo by artist Gilbert Sinnott

Save the Date and Register Today!

Join us for this exciting event and see how art and technology are transforming manufacturing. Register by September 19, 2024, and mark your calendar for a day full of inspiration, innovation, and opportunities for the future!