This deliverable reports on Better Factory’s Dissemination and Communication Plan, as defined in Task 6.3. (Marketing of project results) of Work Package 6 (Dissemination and Marketing), providing an update on activities since the previous reporting period. The previous deliverable D6.2 described Better Factory’s strategic plan to steer communication and dissemination activities during the project’s lifetime (including target audiences, tools and channels to be used, activities, among others). This reporting period and deliverable D6.4, however, is focused on the carrying out of this plan over the previous months, and any updates to the strategy that have been implemented. This document should be intended as both a practical guide for the partners to align on strategic objectives and operational activities, as well as a record of the communication and dissemination activities carried out, particularly regarding learnings made for the next reporting period ahead.
Showcasing Innovative Art and Knowledge Transfer Experiments Better Factory is delighted to invite you to the final event of the project on September 25, 2024. This event will highlight the remarkable results achieved through the project, focusing on Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTEs) that promote art innovations. External participants can join […]
This deliverable provides an overview of RAMP that aims to accelerate production in Manufacturing SMEs by providing access to services and tools for digitization and collaboration. In the Better Factory project, RAMP aims to enhance the co-creation of automation solutions and novel product design services. A ‘cocreation space’ is implemented […]
This Project Data Management Plan describes data to be collected within the BETTER FACTORY project, and the data management methods. The PDMP includes a description of methodology and standards to be followed and what data sets are exploitable or made accessible for verification and re-use. Additionally, this document pools the […]