Showcasing Innovative Art and Knowledge Transfer Experiments We are thrilled to invite you to the Better Factory Final Event on September 25, 2024, where we will showcase the groundbreaking results of this European Union-funded project. Over the past few years, Better Factory has empowered manufacturing SMEs across Europe to enhance […]
This deliverable provides an overview of RAMP that aims to accelerate production in Manufacturing SMEs by providing access to services and tools for digitization and collaboration. In the Better Factory project, RAMP aims to enhance the co-creation of automation solutions and novel product design services. A ‘cocreation space’ is implemented […]

This Project Data Management Plan describes data to be collected within the BETTER FACTORY project, and the data management methods. The PDMP includes a description of methodology and standards to be followed and what data sets are exploitable or made accessible for verification and re-use. Additionally, this document pools the […]

The deliverable D7.4 “RAMP business plan 2 .0” introduces current business hypothesis which will be tested in Better Factory project. Business development activities will continue throughout the Better Factory project the focusing on activities of testing and refining the business hypothesis further with help of feedback from KTEs. RAMP business […]

This deliverable reports on Better Factory’s Dissemination and Communication Plan, as defined in Task 6.3. (Marketing of project results) of Work Package 6 (Dissemination and Marketing), providing an update on activities since the previous reporting period. The previous deliverable D6.2 described Better Factory’s strategic plan to steer communication and dissemination […]

The D5.1 deliverable “KTEs’ Individual Mentoring Plans 1.0” describes the is a collection of all IMPs created with KTEs selected in the first round including all the services provided and services planned to be provided. The D5.2 deliverable “SME + Artist Collaboration toolkit 1.0” presents the Tools and guidelines with […]

The D3.4 deliverable, titled “Call Announcement and Guide for Applicants 2.0,” includes the documents needed for the 2nd BETTER FACTORY Open Call for funding up to 9 Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE). This version of the deliverable contains: the Package of Documents for the preliminary individual calls to select Manufacturing SMEs/Mid-Caps […]

The D2.7 titled “Data Protection in the RAMP Marketplace 2.0” outlines how RAMP operates as an online platform, focused on accelerating production for manufacturing SMEs through robotics. This report delves into the measures and protocols in place to ensure the respectful and secure handling of sensitive and personal data within […]

The D1.4 deliverable, titled “Cyber security implementation for RAMP 2.0,” describes the RAMP IoT platform demonstrator and its security features, installation, configuration, and network setup. The D1.6 deliverable, titled “RAMP data API 1.0,” addresses the objectives of the Better Factory task “T3.1 Access to cloud infrastructure.” The primary goal is […]

This deliverable reports on the mentoring of DIHs (digital innovation hubs) and the resulting business plans for long term sustainability. Better Factory network members will receive customized training and a mentoring programme to support said DIHs in implementing the Knowledge Transfer Program at local level – to connect all the […]

This deliverable reports on the terms and conditions of the RAMP platform from the last update. In addition, it includes an additional partnership agreement to facilitate the go-to-market strategy of the RAMP platform. This will help to embed the RAMP platform in the market, by engaging partnersto assist with lead […]

This deliverable builds on the first version of this document, which contained a proposal for service contract which SMEs and service providers can use when contracting for services through the marketplace. In this second iteration, we have added a ”FAQ” section, as during the first round of KTEs it became […]